Terms & Conditions

This service agreement is made between the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant or nominated representative and 4U Plan Managers – an NDIS registered provider.

It will commence from the signed date and is ongoing until either party notifies the other of their intention to cancel the agreement. For more details on ending this service agreement, see section 7 below.

1. Schedule of Supports

The team at 4U Plan Managers agree to provide the participant with the following NDIS plan management services for the duration of this service agreement:


Description of Support

Plan Management – Set up Costs

One-off fee at the beginning of every NDIS plan – National $232.35
(as of 1 July 2021)

• Initial consultation

• Setting up participant and loading plan into our client management and finance system

• Creating service bookings in the NDIS online portal (PRODA)

• Budget allocation

Plan Management – Financial Administration

Monthly fee – National $104.45
(as of 1 July 2021)

Ongoing monthly supports include:

• Managing and monitoring budget

• Claiming and dispersing funds to pay provider invoices

• Processing reimbursement claims

• Monthly plan management statements of expenditure and available funding

• Client liaison

• Troubleshooting

• Providing guidance and information related to using your NDIS plan funds

• Record keeping

2. The NDIS and this Service Agreement

This agreement is made according to the rules and the goals of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The parties agree that this service agreement is made in the context of the NDIS, which is a scheme that aims to:

  • support the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability, and

  • enable people with a disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports.

3. Responsibilities of the provider

4U Plan Managers agrees to:

  • Treat the participant with courtesy and respect

  • Consult the participant on decisions about how supports are provided

  • Provide the service that meets the participant’s needs within a timely manner

  • Review the participant’s budget and expenditure – monthly statement sent to the participant

  • Give the information about managing any complaints or disagreements and details of the provider’s cancellation policy

  • Listen to the participant’s feedback and resolve problems quickly

  • Pay all service provider invoices which meet the NDIS ‘reasonable and necessary’ legislation once approval has been given by the participant

  • Keep personal information private.

  • Give the participant the required notice if the provider needs to end the service agreement (see ‘Ending this Service Agreement’ below for more information)

  • Protect the participant’s privacy and confidential information

  • Provide supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law; keep accurate records on the supports provided to the participant

  • Issue regular invoices and statements of the supports delivered to the participant.

4U Plan Managers has policies and procedures that are built on human rights. Where allegations of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation or discrimination are made, 4U Plan Managers employs a zero-tolerance policy.

4. Responsibilities of the participant/nominated representative

The participant/nominated representative agrees to:

  • Respect the rights of staff, ensuring their workplace is safe and healthy and free from harassment

  • Abide by the terms of your agreement with us

  • Understand that your needs may change and with this, your services may need to change to meet your needs

  • Tell us if you have problems with the care and services you are receiving

  • Give us enough information to develop, deliver and review your support plan

  • Provide us with information that will help us better meet your needs

  • Provide us with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice when you are unable to attend a scheduled meeting

  • Give the provider the required notice if the participant needs to end the service agreement (see ‘Ending this Service Agreement’ below for more information), and

  • Let the provider know immediately if the participant’s NDIS plan is suspended, replaced by a new NDIS plan or if the participant stops being a participant in the NDIS.

5. Fees for Service

From the start date, we will automatically invoice the NDIA for the NDIS plan management services we provide to you. Should the NDIA amend any rates associated with the 4U Plan Managers services, we will automatically update our fees in accordance with the NDIS Price Guide. No action will be required by you.

6. Changes to this Service Agreement

If changes to the supports or their delivery are required, the parties agree to discuss and review this service agreement. The parties agree that any changes to this service agreement will be in writing, signed, and dated by the parties.

7. Ending this Service Agreement

Should either party wish to end this service agreement they must provide the other party with 7 days’ written notice. If either party seriously breaches this service agreement the requirement of notice will be waived.

8. Feedback, complaints and disputes

If the participant wishes to give us feedback, the participant can talk to the admin team via 1800 950 772, email admin@4uplanmanagers.com.au or use our online form at 4uplanmanagers.com.au/complaints-and-feedback.

If the participant is not happy with the provision of supports and wishes to make a complaint, the participant can talk to Jeanette Larsen on 0405 145 433, email jeanette@4uplanmanagers.com.au or use our online form at https://www.4uplanmanagers.com.au/feedback-complaints.

If the participant is not satisfied or does not want to talk to this person, the participant can contact the National Disability Insurance Scheme by calling 1800 035 544, visiting one of their offices in person, or visiting ndis.gov.au for further information.

9. Goods and Services Tax (GST)

For the purposes of GST legislation, the Parties confirm that:

  • A supply of supports under this service agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and necessary supports specified in the statement included, under subsection 33(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), in your NDIS plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act;

  • Your NDIS plan is expected to remain in effect during the period the supports are provided; and

  • You will immediately notify us if your NDIS Plan is replaced by a new plan or if you stop being a participant in the NDIS.

Last updated: 27 May 2024